Bachman Galnor Communications is a Jacksonville-based firm that creates content and strategic plans, connects organizations with their audience and compels people to action.

Strategic Planning

Effective storytelling isn’t an accident. You need a system that is efficient and effective. A system to develop stories, and identify your audience-customers, donors, investors, employees, the general public. Bachman Galnor Communications will help you find the system that best works for you and your team. We’ll help you identify and connect with your target audience and plot the best way to reach them.

Political Consulting

Galnor helped lead a nonpartisan political committee for the last decade, working closely with candidates running for local and state office. Over 27 years, Bachman interviewed Presidential candidates, school board members and politicians in between. We can work with potential candidates and current elected officials on getting their message out to constituents, building coalitions and staying on top of issues voters care about.

Crisis Communications

We live in an era where one viral social media clip, one misstep by an employee or one late shipment can threaten the reputation and brand you’ve built. We know what questions are coming and how to best position you and your brand to push through and recover from a crisis. Getting your message out quickly and concisely to your audience is critical. We can develop an extensive crisis communications plan that you are comfortable with, if a crisis hits. And, if it does, we will be there to execute that strategy.

Content Creation

The media landscape is changing. Local TV and radio stations, and local newspapers are a good start, but your people consume information in so many different ways. Now, you can’t rely on mainstream media to tell your story. There are so many more ways to reach your people, if only you had the content to share. We will help you uncover your most compelling stories.

Media Training

Bachman and Galnor offer a unique and valuable combination of working in media and working with  executives to tell their story. We have decades of experience on both sides that can position you for success. We can prepare you to handle media interviews, podcasts, and presentations.  We can also better prepare your public facing team to handle and even anticipate media requests and needs, improving relationships. Our training will let you be the best you in front of your people.

Talent Work

Bachman has 27 years of experience in front of the camera and microphone. He can host your event. He’s helped raise millions over the years. As a reporter, he’s shared stories from the depths of an engine room in a Navy ship at sea, to the Presidential campaign trail in Iowa in February, to the Las Vegas Strip inside an autonomous vehicle. If you need someone to tell your story, Bachman has you covered.

Who We Are

John Bachman

John Bachman grew up in a television newsroom. He followed in his father’s footsteps to become a TV news reporter and anchor. 27 years of uncovering relevant, impactful stories taught him that most experts in their fields know their fields, but not their stories. They’re great at their thing, but not great at communicating their thing to their people. Bachman moved to Florida in 2014 and lives in St. Johns County with his wife and three daughters.

Matt Galnor

Matt Galnor spent the first half of his career as an investigative reporter for newspapers in Michigan and Florida and has been in corporate communications since 2011. His perspective from both sides of media is important to helping you tell a clear, concise story and reach the audience you’re looking for. In his 10 years with JAX Chamber, Galnor has led numerous public relations and advocacy campaigns, helped promote Jacksonville’s business community and worked with companies to tell their stories to a variety of audiences. Galnor has called Jacksonville home since 2001 and lives in Avondale with his wife and two daughters.